Fall 2021
Seminar on Project – Management

© Michael Scheuern
Project management is understood as the organization of the tasks involved in building construction. In the seminar, we cover the spectrum from the building concept in an urbanistic master plan to the ready-to-use handover to the investor / user with focus on the the design process – of particular importance for the target group of students in ArchMA.
We analyze a building through three different perspectives:
– Building = a manufactured product with added value.
– Building = a supporting facility that is tailored to the needs of the user.
– Building = a project that needs to be organized.
In the seminar it is worked out that by a multi-disciplinary team the design work in several consecutive phases is concretized to such an extent that it can be produced.
The input variables are given by user needs and the related functional purpose of the building.
As planning progresses, the level of detail and the precision of the key figures for evaluation (costs and construction time requirements) increases.
In the further course of the seminar, the sustainability of building structures - defined by the respective component life cycle’s and the respect of "flexibility" - is outlined as an essential component resource-saving constructions.
An essential aspect is the use of the object-oriented planning method (BIM) as the future form of planning. A comparison of special features with the traditional and so-called "overlapping" design method is specified.
Finally, methods and key figures are provided to determine costs and construction time requirements in earlier planning phases.