April 2021
Liminal Living

A team of the Masterarchitecture.lu and CRIT. (prof. P. Swinnen, N. Heindrichs, B. Van Houtte-Alonso, D. Peleman, C. Zimmer) is currently preparing an exhibition and a publication on future spatial developments in the transborder region of Luxembourg-France under the title of ‘Liminal Living’.
‘Liminal’ refers to the transitional stage of a process, or a position on a boundary or treshold. Liminal living explores the boundaries of what is possible on this territory, starting from a temporary suspension of norms and categories, to address a number of pressing issues (about housing, nature and agriculture) and to envision a different spatial future. The green spaces of Dogger – that consist of forests, agricultural land and former industrial areas – will play a pivotal role in this process to encourage more collectivity, a federating landscape and the creation of surplus values embedded in the local society. The exibition will take place at KuFa as part of Esch 22. The opening is foreseen in February 2022.