January 2022
OASE 110 - The Project of the Soil

© OASE Foundation / martens and martens
David Peleman (uni.lu - DGEO), Martina Barcelloni-Corte (Université de Liège), Elsbeth Ronner (TUDelft) and Paola Viganò (EPFL/IUAV) have edited the new issue of OASE Journal for Architecture, published in January 2022: The project of the soil / De grond van de kwestie.
Inspired by Bernardo Secchi’s 1986 text ‘Progetto di Suolo’, this issue of OASE makes a critical analysis of how soil – as an intermediary package that connects surface and subsurface – can further connect to the practices of urbanism and urban design. OASE 110 is dedicated to the radical transformation that open space is experiencing and will increasingly experience in the future, in relation to the recognition of soil as a fundamental resource and as a powerful tool to reframe the urban project. This issue of OASE collects a series of ‘insights from the frontlines’, a series of voices testifying to a radical transformation on the border between urbanism and architecture.
OASE 110 contains contributions by Eduardo Abrantes, Alexandra Arenes, Tulay Atak, Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin, Isabella Baranyk, Michele Bee, Cristina Bianchetti, Pascal Boivin, Livia Cahn, Pu Hsien Chan, Gilles Clément, Martina Barcelloni-Corte, Michiel Dehaene, Romeo Dipura, Rosetta Elkin, Teresa Gali-Izar, Urtzi Grau, Claire Guenat, Atabile Gwagwa, Luke Harris, Ilmar Hurkxkens, Thierry Kandjee, Louisa King, Paul Landauer, Linda Lapi?a, Joanna Lombard, JulianMeier, Germain Meulemans, Stefano Munarin, Ruth Oldham, Chiara Pradel, Sara Protasoni, Kristine Samson, Isabel Recubenis Sanchis, Michael Stas, Anaïs Tondeur, Maria Chiara Tosi, Susanne Trumpf, Cara Turett, Ivan Valin, Hans Vandermaelen, Carmen Van Maercke, Antoine Vialle, Paola Viganò, Bonnie-Kate Walker, Kevin Westerveld.
The issue can be purchased on the website of OASE (as printed copy or as e-book) where you can also download the editorial of OASE 110 for free.